Early Baby!!🤯

ryn • Averie Elaine.🌿


FTM! I gave birth to a healthy baby girl on 04/27/19, 16 days before her due date! (37+5wks, due date was May 13). The night before I felt crampy, but I figured I just didn’t drink enough water or something. At about 10:30 am I went to the bathroom thinking I just had poop (TMI, ik), I had diarrhea, but the cramping got subtlety worse and I started getting little tings of pain in my back. I texted my mom asking her if I’d know if I was in labor.😂 when I wiped, there was a lot of clear thick mucous. I tried to lay down for a bit, but the ‘cramps’ just got worse. My boyfriend works night shift so he got home at 7am and was sleeping. I didn’t want to wake him if it was just a false alarm bc he needed to sleep, yanno? After about an hour, I decided to just wake him and tell him what was going on and literally as soon as I woke him up, my water broke. (11:22 am) I had most stuff packed, but not all :,) The hospital was 45min away. When we got there, they checked me & I was 2cm and 80% effaced. The cervix check throughout my whole labor was the worst pain.😭 I did not sleep at all or eat at all before my water broke. It was so horrible feeling so hungry and tired. I only got to drink apple juice, water, and veggie broth. I laboured unmedicated until 5cm & 100% effaced at about 10pm. The pain was too much and I couldn’t handle it, so I opted for the epidural. For me, the epidural was so painful to get. Even the sterilizing solution they out on me felt like acid. I was screaming and crying, I couldn’t help it because i was contracting at the same time. My BP was high before I got it and as soon as he injected it, my BP dropped and my baby’s heartbeat did too. About seven nurses came running in turning me on my side, giving me oxygen etc. after about 7ish minutes, I got stable and almost immediately dilated to a 6 bc my body got so relaxed. I’m so thankful I got it though, I laboured for 9 more hours after that. I felt no contractions, absolutely nothing. I sat at 6cm for a few hours before they started pitocin. Soon after, I was 9.5 cm! They sat me up and I was so numb, but I felt her pushing to come out. After about 20 min, they laid me down and it said it was time. I felt no pain AT ALL, just pressure. My OB was so amazing. I pushed for 40 minutes before she came out. I didn’t tear and only got one stitch! She had delayed cord clamping too.🥰

She came out at 7:10 a.m. at 6lbs 10oz & 19in long. My boyfriend never left my side and my mom was there as much as they allowed her to be. So thankful I had a healthy pregnancy and delivery. I’m praying every pregnant woman right now does as well. Truly a great experience.❤️

One week PP. Milky Baby.💝