**warning tmi's**I think im pregnant...whats your story?

I have been trying to conceive for a while now ive been doing the do's as much as possible and ive had pleanty of times i have thought i was pregnant and wasnt. Normally id have a feeling i was making it up in my head but this time is much much different. First i was just getting sick getting neausous in the mornings and periodically throughout the day and normally my cm is a white, rarely is it ever clear and when it is its only for a day but its been a week now and its still happening. I thought i was going crazy because i was about to give up but my body hasnt been like it normally is, im 3 days late (they normally last 5 days) and im slowly eating more than usual im gassy and drinking alot more fluids cause when i dont i will get a head ache or get neasous. Im afraid to take a pregnancy test so ive been putting it off so i want to know what other people think.