Calling all spouses of bartenders/bar owners

Are any of you ladies in a relationship or married to a bartender/bar owner? I’ve been married 4 months to a guy that owns multiple craft beer bars. I met him nearly 2 years ago while living in another state. We dated long distance while I finished nursing school and the plan was to move to him when I found a job. We dated casually in the first few months and he asked me to be official. I found out two months later that he was sleeping with multiple people. He apologized and said it was a mistake and that he didn’t take our relationship serious. A couple months later when he was visiting I saw a deleted screen shot between one of his bartenders asking if he wanted her to go back to the bar or to his house after the bar closed. This girl was on a break from her boyfriend at the time. He said his house was fine. He claims that he deleted it because he knew I’d overreact and it was a mindless decision to have her over. He swore up and down that nothing happened. To this day, I’m not sure i believe that. I finished school and got pregnant (we both wanted it). I moved to his state a few months later and he asked me to marry him.

Fast forward to now. We had the baby, she’s now 3 months old. We got married and I’m pregnant again. As far as work, he now has multiple people working under him that praise him. How do I ever get over the insecurity of him wanting to pursue other women? He and his staff usually drink in the office throughout their shifts. He’ll work events until close and will come home at 3am. Alcohol impairs decision making and makes cheating more of a possibility.

Will I ever get over this feeling? Bartenders have the second highest divorce rate probably due to how easy infidelity is.