6 months later....

I broke up with my ex 6 months ago.

Long story short, his parents controlled him and were living through him and his brothers who were all in their mid or late 20’s.

Rather than fix the problem like he said he would, he just coward away when they yelled at him and his parents broke up with me.

He then had a nervous breakdown and his parents put him on anti depressants and sleeping pills and numbed him for at least 3 months that I’m aware of.

His parents didn’t like me as they saw me as an interference or...distraction in his life to his family’s project because I wanted to buy a house with him and eventually get married and they want him to stay home forever, till their family project takes off, which it never will.

As I said, he had a nervous breakdown, and 3 months out of our break up I contacted him for his birthday.

The phone call after that was very confrontational as the medication he was taking had to me, altered his personality.

The hardest thing about that phone call was we both said we still loved each other, but we were together at the wrong time.

He said to meet up with me and he’d give me back my belongings, I said his parents wouldn’t let him, and he said he didn’t care....clearly they didn’t let him as he never turned up the day we said to meet.

I never contacted him since.

Our anniversary is coming up in a week, and so is my birthday 5 days after our anniversary and I wonder if he’d be man enough to contact me as I was for his.

I went to heelers, and did some soul searching, I’ve dated....I honestly thought I’d gotten over it.

Recently though, I’ve been feeling it a lot.

My aunt passed away and he knew her well, and not having him there bothered me.

My cousin is getting married and hearing love stories of how they met and how much they loved each other gave me a heavy hearted feeling...not In a jealous way at all, but more in a memory sense.

My friend just had a similar break up and hearing her go through everything has made me relive everything again....

Probably least important, a tv show I used to watch with him has been playing it’s new season and one of the characters reminds me of him and the last time I watched it was when we were together, and I used to call him one of the pet names from the show that I had forgotten about after 8 months since the last season, and when I heard the character say “mr sweet face”, my heart actually crumbled. Then hearing the character who passed away that turned out never to have been dead, remember how much he loved his “wife” and wanted the happy ending....I actually cried thinking of him.

The thing is, I was never happy while I was with him because of his family, and then we would fight because he wouldn’t communicate with me...he’s just put his guard up and think I was attacking him, but he wouldn’t listen to how I was feeling or how his family made me feel.

And I thought I was over it...but the last 2 weeks have been so damn hard.