

Has anyone been tested for Toxoplasmosis during a blood draw? When I brought it to the attention of my OB that I had rescued a very sick kitten right before I found out I was pregnant & was the primary caregiver of the litter box with him and my cat I’ve had for 3 years he didn’t seem worried at all. I’ve read where some girls has testing when their doctors found out they had cats because of it being spread in their feces. My biggest concern is the fact that he won’t even order a simple blood test so I can see if I have ever previously had the parasite which would make me immune, or if I have an active infection which can be very detrimental to a fetus: 9/10 babies born with congenital toxoplasmosis have long term complications. This is why I want to know and I even called my local hospitals too see if I could pay for it out of pocket and it’s a test that MUST be ordered by a doctor. How frustrating!!! I think at my next appointment I’m going to talk to him in person about it and try to explain more into detail why I’m worried. These long term affects include mental retardation, babies born completely blind, brain defects and abnormalities. I’m so frustrated that I’ve expressed concerns and they said I would get “extremely sick” if I got it but I have read plenty of girls who have gone in, tested positive and were never sick. There can be some signs or there can be none if you have a healthy immune system. I wish just for peace of mind he would let me know before my pregnant gets to far along. I’m already 16 and a half weeks. I’m so uneasy about it all and I feel like I definitely have a valid reasoning to be!