Poo question


My almost 4 month old is mostly breastfed but we still give him a bottle before bed and another one in the middle of the night. He gets 4 oz. of formula each feed, so 8 oz. a day. He used to breastfeed for longer periods of time until about two weeks ago, now its mostly 10 mins a feed but more often. He first used to poop once a day or every other day (this was when my supply was still establishing and we supplemented more), then switched to maybe once every three days. Nothing else changed but the past week he started to poop every single day and the last two days a small part of his poo was more solid, consistency of cold peanut butter. I thought baby poo was supposed to be runny. Is this still normal or should I consult with his pediatrician? He seems fine otherwise. Excuse the photo demonstration but it’s hard to explain in words.