You’ve probably read my story before. Here’s another add on about the ex.

So before I posted about how my boyfriends family LOVES his ex more than they do me. About how they don’t have kids together or anything but she still stays around. And the time I found a hotel receipt in his room, with her name on it, they same day he was suppose to be at his friends house.

But that isn’t the point, this time.

This time it starts about his sisters band concert. It’s today.

We haven’t seen each other in several days. Well he calls yesterday and says “I’m going to (let’s call her K) K’s band concert tomorrow, it’s at 3”

And I’m like “oh, okay, I get off at 4, so after that you could pick me up since it’s right down the road, if you want me to come to your house tomorrow (meaning today)

Well I then think about what if his ex is there. (Let’s call her C) and I asked. And he was like “idk if she’s going but I’m going anyways to support my sister” I understood that. But I know she would talk to him or some shit. And I’m just not about that. Knowing she still has feelings for him ? Fuck no.

Well, after I said that she would talk to him and all that he was like “so what, I’m not going to talk back.” And I was like okay.

When we first got together they all agreed she could go to some things and he could. Am I in the wrong for being like this? I have been cheated on several times, in a situation like so.

Now, there is more. He said and I quote “well I guess I’ll go talk to some girls from the hospital then”. He is a CNA.

So here’s where it gets hot and heavy. I had a friend come pick me up yesterday because I didn’t want to be alone with my thoughts.

Well this girl knew both him and C from high school. So she messaged C and just had a normal convo w her for a while. & then she was like “have you talked to the ex lately?” Because she knows they had a history together and yeah. And she was like “yeah we have been a lot recently” and she said “just friend talk or more? I don’t want you going through all that again” she replied “yeah just as friends” and she was like “is it only texting?” And then this bitch says, “no he usually calls me”

THIS BITCH SUPPOSE TO BE BLOCKED. SHE IS. On Verizon it shows the day she was blocked and it’s not been messed with. Which means he must’ve been talking on his nanny’s phone or their house phone.

Which the other day, the house phone was in his room but I mean I wasnt gonna think anything. 🤷🏼‍♀️ now I think otherwise. My birthday is tomorrow and we are suppose to on vacation the 9th-12th. But now I don’t know what to do.

No rude comments of me being stupid please. We’ve been together 11 months on the 14th.