Not bonding well... šŸ˜¢ traumatic birth.


I had a really awful birth experience... Iā€™m a ftm & my baby wound up being 11lbs 11oz & breech... she wound up needing to be a c-section due to escalating pre-eclampsia & I am absolutely petrified of being cut open.

I had a panic attack the whole procedure & hardly remember it, Iā€™m pretty sure I have some sort of PTSD surrounding the whole procedure as any time I even try and think about it I burst out in tears...

I didnā€™t get to hold her much, they did skin to skin (which was them laying her on my face so I couldnā€™t breathe) but I was so out of it I canā€™t even remember the experience other than none of it feeling real.

My husband cried tears of joy and I felt empty & hollow inside.

I then went to recovery & was there for 4 hours.

Everybody got to hold my baby except for me.

I was still really sick by the time we finally got to the same room, and I was hurting too much to hold her. My husband consoled her all night for me. I got maybe 10 minutes with her.

Then she was whisked off to NICU. I was kept in hospital for an extra week. It was really hard for me to go to the NICU to see my baby, & holding such a heavy girl was next to impossible.

I felt really disconnected from her and the whole experience. Like week long shock.

Itā€™s going on two weeks in NICU, & now when I try to hold my baby she wails & doesnā€™t recognize me...

She coos at her dad & now I get anxious every time I want to hold her. My own baby hates me, & I know Iā€™m not helping my husbands stress levels by letting it effect me this much, but I feel so fucking alone.

I started taking my old anti-depressants again, but idk what to do. I donā€™t want to be involved in this situation at all. Iā€™m trying so hard to be strong and keep pumping breastmilk for her.

We canā€™t breast feed either, because of these forced feedings in the NICU sheā€™s developing an oral aversion, so the odds of her coming home any time soon have been extended even longer.

My husband isnā€™t getting parental leave (because of how long heā€™s been at his job, not enough hours)

I know this isnā€™t about me but everyone always says the birth of your first child is supposed to be the best day of your life but I canā€™t name a time that Iā€™ve ever been so fucking miserable and disconnected.

Most of my ā€œfriendsā€ arenā€™t people Iā€™d be comfortable talking to this kind of stuff about; although Iā€™m not a generally very emotional person either (as in Iā€™m incredibly uncomfortable talking to anybody about any of this. I clam up.)

I feel so fucked up & canā€™t stop crying. Like this has been the worst experience in my life so far. My own baby hates me.