Baby boy born at 25 weeks and 2 days.

Emory • Momma to Tripp Grubbs born on May 5th at 3:22 pm. He was born at 1 pound 12.4 ounces and 12.79 inches long at 25 weeks.

My birth story is a little crazy and very hectic but it’s truly amazing. Last night I started having contractions, did not know they were contractions. Thought I was just having Braxton hicks. They were regular and lasted for an hour so I knew something wasn’t normal but I just didn’t think anything about it. Woke up this morning and I had some bloody discharge so I didn’t to come to the obgyn emergency department just to make sure everything was okay. We are on the way and I feel a gush of fluid. One we get to the OBED they get me back and go to check to see if it’s my water or just me peeing. It was my water. So the doctor comes in to check me and he says I’m 8 almost 9 centimeter dilated and he’s breeched. I’m going for an emergency CSection. Everything gets crazy. They start and IV get me a catheter in and give me a steroid shot. And take me right down and give me an epidural and start cutting. Our baby boy Tripp Grubbs was born at 3:22 pm. He is 1 Pound 12 ounces and 12 inches long. He cane out crying so that was wonderful. He is in the NICU and will stay there for 10-12 weeks. But he’s doing great. He’s on a ventilator that he tells when he wants it to breathe which is amazing. He is moving nonstop and he is maintaining his temperature very well. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers.