I was scheduled to be induced Sunday May 5th

I was scheduled to be induced Sunday May 5th. Had my non stress test, Friday May 3rd at 10:30am and my regular check up after. I had been contracting for 3 weeks consistently. It was a typical Friday and ended the day watching the Bucks game and eating ice cream with M&Ms. I was going to use the bathroom before heading to bed and all the sudden there was a small gush of fluid. I thought it was just pee and called my mom to ask her. (weird I know but I wasn't sure if it was pee or my water). I had been bleeding that day due to my vaginal check so I wasn't really thinking much of it. I changed my pad and warned my husband we maybe going to the hospital but I was not 100% sure. Went upstairs and laid down. Within minutes there was another small gush of fluid. This was pink fluid. So I called my mom again and she said call the doctor. The on-call doctor told us to come in and by 10:15pm we were getting settled in our hospital room. While time seemed to slow down it was also so fast. I got my epidural at 4cm and it almost seemed to make my contractions worse at the start. Then they settled down and I was just watching TV with my incredibly cold legs (side effect of the epidural) and was just about ready to sleep. Around 330am I started to have contraction pain again and it was constant. I was checked again and I was dilated to 9.5cm. I called my mom at 5:10am and was starting to push by 5:40am. Hudson John entered this world at 6:20am. It was honestly one of the best moments of my life. He weighed 7lbs 4oz and was 19in long.