Monsters in law/ surprise baby shower by SIL


My SIL planned my baby shower with my mom and bf. i cried so hard when I got to the place. I cried so hard because this past Thursday mi BIL told a lot shit to my bf just because he went to Costco with my MIL and they didn’t even asked if I needy something, mind you we all live together, pay rent, bills and my man and I are that only ones who brings extra stuffs to the house or food when there’s nothing to eat because my BIL doesn’t want to spend money on the family just on his GF. Anyways my bf defend me and all that but I couldn’t helped just to cried so bad and even my bf cried. So my SIL has a daughter ( our niece) she is 13 y/o and my BIL told her on Friday that SHE HAS TO BE LOYAL TO THE FAMILY, NOT ME, that I’m here all day eating that food that he pays ( big lie, my man pays too, and I’m not eating all day) that I don’t clean the house( another lie, I love cleaning the three stories that we have), that she doesn’t to listen to me cuz I’m a bad person ( yeah right, i’m just there for

Them because they only yell to my niece all

The time), that my SIL wasn’t supposed to buy stuffs to my baby ( my baby it’s part of their family and I’m the one carry the new member), and that my bf only listen to my lies😑😑 what an a$$

Right now I’m kinda cooking in the am before they woke up and I don’t get out of our room, the only moment I’m out it’s because I need to use the restroom.

Yesterday my bf went to work a few hours and when he got home my mother in law told him HI SON, GOD BLESS YOU and he got mad he told her YOU DON’T KNOW GOD, you go to church just to be evil just like your other son who goes church as well, and she told him YOU ONLY BELIEVE IN LIES ( saying that he only believes on what I said) and my bf told her YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT YOUR SON TOLD ME, YOU WEREN’T THERE and I’ll you do is applaud him about what he is doing and she told my man I DON’T WANNA HEAR MORE LIES.

So they have decided to sell this townhouse and the whole family it’s gonna split

And just for extra information I’m 34 weeks pregnant after a miscarriage. Pregnancy it’s been hard on me, bleeding at 6-8 weeks, 20 week scan said my baby has two cysts

On his brain, and it’s hard for

Me to walk because my pelvis hurts so bad😑 and heartburn it’s been so hard on me. We have decided not to invite my MIL OR BIL to the hospital they don’t deserve to meet my baby or make me uncomfortable😪