How to get confidence/stop being timid

Angie • Mommy to a girl and boy❤️

I’m so shy. I worry that people are judging me. I want to be fun and outgoing but I feel like if I do, I’ll be judged . Or that I’m doing it wrong. I used to be very outgoing and careless ! I never cared what anyone said or thought about me , I was actually happy. Now I’m so shy . I hate going to new places because I’m afraid of getting judged . I was bullied in middle school. I was VERY skinny like 75-80 pounds . In high school I finally weighed 100 pounds. I’m still really skinny & till this day I still hear people trying to be funny. I have 2 kids and I was at my 6 week post op appointment after having my second baby and a lady was trying to make fun of how skinny I am by telling whomever went with her that I was 8 months pregnant & just giggling. Then she finally asked how far along I was & that’s when I told her I was 6 weeks post op. I know I’m always getting judged for my size but I can’t help that I’m so skinny & no matter what I can’t gain weight. I used to dance and sing in my car. Now if I see a car pull up near me I stop so they won’t see me. Although I doubt they’re looking at me, I can’t help but feel shy or embarrassed. I just wish I was comfortable in my own skin again. Not being so timid, not worrying what others will say or think about me. I dislike meeting new people for that same reason.