Getting a little depressed

Autumn • 💓💓💙

As the weather is getting warmer it's starting to bother me that I don't really have any friends. I'm at stay at home mom now. And I realize that I really only had work friends. Me and my best friend aren't really close anymore. And my twin sister lives 2 1/2 hours away and shes a bartender so we have completely different schedules. Its really starting to suck that during the day I don't really have anyone to talk to or have play dates with!

I tried talking to my boy friend about how I was feeling but he just he wished he could stay home all day.

I'm so lucky and I love getting to stay home with my baby girl!! I'm so grateful. But sometimes it just gets lonely! And would be nice to have a friend(s) to talk to. I feel bad because I'm not trying to complain.