done, over this


i’ve literally physically and mentally had it with this pregnancy. i know it’s normal to not want to be pregnant anymore but it’s like depressing at this point. i’m in so much pain, the cramping, my ribs feel like i got hit with a cinderblock. i’m not saying i can’t handle the pain, because what did

i expect? and child birth isn’t going to be any less painful. it’s not that. it’s like it’s fucking depressing playing this waiting game when my body is just 500% done. i just want to cry until he comes out. i take medication daily for depression and i’ve only been up for 5 hours and i don’t want to do anything but go back to sleep. i’m always in a shitty mood, angry and annoyed. i don’t feel like talking to anyone or doing anything. i’m fucking done. i hate my doctors i hate my midwife. i finally got a real OBGYN and am being seen every week from here on out but honestly she’s not much better than the midwife. is there something wrong with me? i’m like almost at a breaking point 😔 i’ll be 34 weeks tomorrow and i don’t know what to do with myself you guys