Just needed to brag UPDATE AT BOTTOM


So my car had kittens 3 weeks ago. Wednesday night the runt decided to escape the nest and nobody found him until 5 pm Thursday. That night was spent force feeding him and praying he didn’t pass that night. He was unable to stand without toppling ass over head or shaking really bad, his head just dropped to the side and he could barely hold it up. Friday night we noticed some thick discharge and immediately took him to the emergency vet and they sent us home with antibiotics and prognosis of nothing other than that she thinks it’s something neurological since his symptoms but we were unable to test him for anything since he weighs less then a pound. She told us not even the best meds or doctors could fix him and that we’d probably have to put him down. Fast forward to Monday he’s nursed twice from momma and is able to hold his head up without shaking way longer then he was able to and he’s getting a smidge better with standing but still not fully there yet. I’m so thankful he’s recovering and showing big signs of improvement and we’re very hopeful he’ll live a longer life then thought. We’ve still got s long road but I just needed to brag about my little mans accomplishments from today. Pics of the strong boy for attention


Y’all he walked on his own today completely unsupported 😭😭😭 he still toppled over but he’s doing so good