Baby won’t roll


He rolled onto his stomach a couple times over a month ago when he was really hangry, but he hasn’t rolled since. He won’t even try. This weekend he started to be able to sit unassisted for a few minutes. When he falls over he can move his legs around so he’s fully on his belly, not slumped over. And during tummy time he sometimes shimmies his way around until he is facing a different direction. But he won’t roll. He isn’t even making motions that are close. He gets 45-60 minutes of tummy time every day, and we sometimes try and encourage rolling by gently rolling him. But he just won’t even try. Idk. With his other physical milestones, I feel like he should be rolling by now. I think that if he would try, he could figure it out quickly. I just can’t figure out how to get him to try. Anyone ever had anything like that?

Here’s my cutie in tummy time and sitting.

That shows him starting to turn.