Should I introduce a bottle to my breastfed toddler?

Sam • 🇬🇧 UK Full Time Mum, 2YO girl, pregnant with 2nd

So I’m just worrying about having to leave my daughter to give birth to my second baby (which won’t be for another 8 months) my daughter will be 25 months at the time. She only falls asleep breastfeeding and wakes up at least a couple of times in the night when I also breastfeed her back to sleep. My MIL will be looking after her if we need to go to hospital so I was just wondering whether to express nearer the time & offering it to her in a bottle at night. I know it’s mostly for comfort, I just don’t want her to be upset if I’m not there, at least it’ll smell like me if it’s my milk. She’s never had a bottle before, has anyone introduced a bottle at that age or should I just try to night wean instead? 😬🙈