Advice please..

Ok so, I’m 8DPO and have been having some rather weird symptoms. Eg fainting quite a lot, smell of food is making me gag, lower back ache, mild period cramping, lack of sleep, vomiting and sore-ish breasts.

I tested yesteday morning and this morning both were negative. I also spoke to a nurse who was doing my day 21 progesterone test as I thought the symptoms may be linked to the Clomid which I have taken at the beginning of my cycle. The nurse said this is highly unlikely that the symptoms are linked to the tablets and asked if I was pregnant. I explained about the tests i had already done being negative and I think it may be too early to tell. She said “fingers crossed for this month” and told me to go and see a GP sooner rather than later.

Has anyone else experienced anything like this and been pregnant?