Pregnancy and Relationship Problems

Tia • Married💍 TTC baby #1 for 3 years- 1 MC

Let me start out with, I’m 10 weeks pregnant and we’ve been trying for 1.5 years. My husband was ecstatic. I understand that I would be more aggravated than usual while pregnant because my hormones and emotions are everywhere. However, my husband has been particularly more mean to me since we’ve received the news. I get it, it may be a lot on him.. and he’s not being violent he’s just rude to me all the time. It really sucks. I want to have a stress free pregnancy and enjoy it as much as I can. We’re in the process of buying a house which is stressful enough. And a week ago he wrecked my car on the way to work and now we’re down to only his car until after we purchase our house next month. It’s just truly a mess and we do both have a lot on our plate. He likes to drink... and when he drinks he becomes even more irate and I don’t know what to do. It’s like he’s becoming someone I don’t know. Please don’t comment to leave him.. we’ve been at this for 5 years and I know he just needs to work on himself a bit.. so I’m thinking of staying with my parents until he gets some help. I just needed somewhere to vent because all of my friends have vanished since I became pregnant.. including my sister who was my very best friend. It’s a shitty feeling..