first time and i’m already hooked??

hi! so i just wanted some advice on something that happened to me today because i’m not sure if how i’m feeling is okay or not.

so my boyfriend of four (going on five!) months has always agreed to take things at my pace during our relationship. he’s always told me to stop him if at any point in time i feel as though he is going too fast or doing something that isn’t in my comfort zone, but i’ve always thought it to be important to make sure he gets what he wants. i don’t do this out of feeling it to be an obligation, but more as me giving back to him because i appreciate him so much and want to make sure he knows in every way possible.

but it’s always him pleasuring me. he’s always touching me, he’s always kissing and feeling me up—something i’ve never opposed to because a girl loves herself some touchy feely time with her man, but he never had given me even a second to try and return the favor. yet today was a bit different. i’m not too sure what had come over me (possibly a sudden wave of hormones?), but at some point during our intimate time i took over. one thing led to another and i was very close to giving him head. he stopped me right before and asked if i really wanted to do this or if i was just doing it for him. i told him it was both, that i wanted to make him feel just as good as he made me feel and he once again reminded me that if i wanted to stop that i could go right ahead and do so.

but i didn’t. once i started, i literally could not stop. it felt so good to see how my touch made this man melt into a moaning puddle on our bed and i feel like i might have even gotten off to it a little bit. eventually, we did stop, but i didn’t want to. i haven’t stopped thinking about it all day and i’m not sure if that’s okay or not? i reaaaaaally want there to be an opportunity where i get to pleasure him again, and he himself has admitted to that as well.

but am i getting too excited over something i barely began to do today?