My first OPK's


Getting pregnant with my first one was all too easy and fast. I took my Nuva Ring out and was pregnant 28 days later. Now that we are trying for baby number 2 its proving to be more difficult.

So I finally bought my first OPK and started testing yesterday. I got the clearblue digital that gave me a big fat happy face today. I was excited to see that Im even ovulating, for a second I thought I may not be since my periods have been everywhere.

So Im ecstatic to show my husband that I was ovulating. I show him the test with the happy face and he immediately starts smiling and hugs me. He jumps and grabs our daughter and says to her, your going to be a big sister. I look at him with a puzzled look on my face and ask him if he knew what it meant. He says yeah, it means your pregnant right?! I start laughing and explain to him what an OPK is.

It completely slipped my mind that he might not know what it was and confuse it with a pregnancy test. At least i know he will be happy when we get our BFP.