Best friends boyfriend doesn’t like me?

So backstory:

I work with the boyfriends ex girlfriend (baby mama). I thought it was okay and no harm so I told a friend at work that they were talking. Because what a situation to be in when your best friend is dating your friend (his ex) from work?? He cheated on her so I’ve never really liked him but I’ve always put it aside because he made my best friend happy. So after telling my friend from, she told the baby mama and she wasn’t mad. Just annoyed since she should know who is going to be in their kids life. Now this guy really doesn’t like me and is awful to me. Never says hi, never looks at me and if he does it’s this really cold stare and never talks to me. I’ve apologised and me and my best friend have made up but he is still holding this grudge against me and I don’t know what to do. What can I do?