

So I am 8w+2 and came down with an infection last week. This past Saturday, I was prescribed and started 500mg Amoxicillin 3x/day for 10 days. I took some Tylenol here and there for the infection pain, but kept it to a minimum. Now I’ve come down with a cold and have been running a mild fever of 99.5-100. I’ve been soooooo achy and uncomfortable, so I’ve been taking one 500mg Tylenol every 6 hours or so. It barely does anything but I’m afraid to take more due to being so early in pregnancy. I’m trying not to take it at all, but the mild fever is a concern and the achy muscles/hips (and congestion) make it impossible to rest comfortably and sleep.

I’m really worried that the infection, fever, and meds are going to harm my baby. Am I legit in this concern or are the risks minimal? I am frustrated with my body right now and so nervous that it’s all harming my baby. 😔