Feeling Discouraged


My LO is 4 months old and we’re going through the dreaded sleep regression. She used to sleep 8-9 hours at a time but now it’s 2-3 max. I nurse her to sleep when we go to bed to make sure she’s full, but she seriously seems hungry every time she wakes up and nursing is the only way I can get her back to sleep. My PED said I better stop this otherwise she won’t learn to self soothe. She self soothes during the daytime for her naps, I let her cry it out for 5-10 mins and then she’s sleeping. But night time is different. She will eat my shoulder or arm or whatever skin she can get her mouth on until I give her the boob.

Pacifiers aren’t an option as she hates them and spits them out. Just figured I’d rant while I’m sitting here at 4am nursing her back to sleep after trying to soothe her for 45 mins 🙃😭