Just looking for answers

Kiley • Mommy of an angel 👼🏻 Miscarried my angel at 9 weeks 04/15/19 💗 Got a rainbow 🌈👶🏻 August 14 💙💙

I found out I was pregnant with my first baby on March 15th on April 10th my husband and I heard the heartbeat for the burst time. It was very high at 185 bpm. My doctor sent me for a trans-vaginal ultrasound on April 15th, later that day I got the phone call that we had lost our baby. The following day it was confirmed that our baby was gone we were given options as to what to do. I knew I wasn’t capable to do it at home, so I opted to have a surgical d & c. The results came back normal, everything was normal and matched were I was in my pregnancy, and there were no abnormalities in the tissue. Which I know that’s a good thing but still.

But now we are deciding to start trying again, however is it too soon? I don’t know what to do, all I know is that I want us to start trying, to have a healthy pregnancy that results in a healthy baby. And I could use the weigh in, especially if you’ve gone through something similar. I just need hope that’s all.