teaching toddler to talk.


i need some tips please. my son is 14 months old and ONLY says dog. his pediatrician wants him to say half a dozen words by 15 months and i just don’t foresee that happening.

i read to him multiple times a day, i talk to him all the time, point to things and say what they are, if he’s hungry, i tell him “bite” with every spoonful, “drink” when he wants a drink, “up” or “ down” when he wants to be held/put down. “all done” when he’s done with anything. when we’re playing i try to make it fun for him but still teach him.... but all he does is grunt.

HE KNOWS what i mean when i talk to him... if i say no he shakes his head. if i say hi or bye he waves. points to his nose cheeks and belly. arms up when we say “ta-daaaa”, he’s just not speaking. i’m at a loss.

can someone give me advice?