Unsure of how to handle this situation. Need advice.

Kayla • Happily married to my high school sweetheart 💕 Mama to two sweet boys. ❤️ TTC 🌈 #3 Future nurse 🩺

My dad is about to graduate nursing school (on the 18th) and we have a ton of family coming into town to attend his graduation. I have a 4 month old son whom none of them have met and I’m so excited for my baby to meet my maternal grandparents and some cousins!

However, my dad’s parents are also attending. I haven’t spoken to them since I met my husband over EIGHT years ago. I haven’t cared to have a relationship with them because of how they treated my dad while he was growing up (extremely physically and emotionally abusive. Even going as far as killing his childhood pets) and I don’t particularly care to know them or have a relationship with them. They have yet to meet my husband and they weren’t invited to attend our wedding.

Last month, they showed up uninvited and unannounced to my parents home and demanded to meet my son. I didn’t bring him over and they eventually left.

Well now, I am faced with this graduation. Everyone will get to hold and meet my son but I do NOT want them to come near him. I am going to the graduation and party because my dad deserves to have us there and if he wants his parents there in spite of everything it’s not my place to stop him but I’m not sure how to go about refusing to let them touch my baby. I feel very strongly about this. This woman denied that my dad was my father, treated me like crap my whole life because my mom is Hispanic, and treats my father badly to this day. I just don’t know what to do. I do not like confrontation or being mean but I do not want to cave on this. I need advice.