FitBit and calories

So its 7 pm and my fitbit says i have burned about 2,000 calories. I workout in the mornings and i burned about 300+ calories (weights and some cardio) which totaled it to about 1,200+ at the time. I based my calories off the morning calories i burned and ate 1,250 calories. Now that's its 7 pm i got a headache and im assuming cause i didn't eat enough so i ate something that totaled 50 calories. Ive been loosing weight for 8 months so im not new to this but i am new to using a fit bit. Anyways, i know i need to eat 500 calories less than i burn so according to my fitbit since i burned around 2000 calories thought the day and i ate 1,300 does that mean i still have 100-200 calories left and i could eat more or just base it off the calories i burn in the morning? I dont want to mess up my metabolism or mess up my progress by not eating enough. I do about 1 hour 40 minutes of weights and 20 minutes cardio. Before getting a fitbit i ate 1,300 every day since i didnt really know what i was burning.