Need relationship advice

Okay guys I need advice. I’m 19 years old. My boyfriend is 19 almost 20. We’ve been dating for 8 months. I’m a full time student and work full time. I live with a friends family due to my own family issues. He works more than full time as a contractor sometimes traveling. He lives with his older sister for work here. So we are both busy people. He has wanted us to get our own place together for months. I am slightly unsure. The family I live with tell me they think it’s a bad idea because it would be unfaithful to God. And I have really bad commitment issues. I blame it on the fact that every man I’ve been with has either cheated, used, or sexually abused me. And also to the fact that I’ve grown up to watch my single mom bounce from boyfriend to boyfriend as they all did the same to her. And she bounced so often because she had six kids and couldn’t afford the bills. So she dated anyone who’d pay the bills. I’ve grown up scarred from men for so many reasons but am terrified of falling in her foot steps. And I trust my boyfriend with everything. He is my one and only safe place other than God. But tonight he made a comment about us living together again and I said that it couldn’t happen. I’m very open to him about most everything that has happened and made me the way I am. But tonight he started saying how he was ready to grow up and move on with his life. He wanted his own place and he wanted me there. And he didn’t want to wait on me just trying to prove that I can do it all on my own. That he was ready to grow and although he didn’t want to do it without me, he would if he had to. He eventually backed up and said he didn’t mean to give me an ultimatum, he just wanted me to understand that it hurts him that I won’t trust him. But its not about me trusting him. For me, it’s about knowing I can do it on my own if I had to. Not needing to bounce to another man to take care of me. I love my boyfriend very much but I don’t know what to do. I don’t know that moving in is the best option but I want to grow with him and I need him to understand that. I just don’t know how.