23 week triplet birth story

New update 10/23/19 UPDATE IN THE COMMENTS ♡

The morning of 4/24/19 I woke up and was wet being this is my first pregnancy I just thought I was having a lot of discharge, later in the day I started having lower back pain it felt more like period cramps I didnt think much of it and went to bed the next morning it was still happening, so my fiance took me up to the hospital to get checked out when they checked me they said my cervix was completely dilated and my water sac was protruding through my cervix ! At the point the doctor told me that my water could break any minute and that they wouldnt be able to save my babies , I was completely devastated as it has taken us 4 years to get pregnant. Then soon after she came back in and said that they could be saved if I were to have them at 23 weeks. About 3 hours later my water broke , and withing 15 minutes i gave birth to my first baby girl , and within the next hour i had a c section for my other two another girl and a little boy

They were all about 1lb 2oz a piece , Oliva paige , Emmalyn Jo , And Thomas Lee

So far our little Thomas has had 2 surgery's on his stomach but is doing great now! we only got to spend 10 beautiful days with our baby Emmalyn she passed away due to having an infection in her blood , and our other little girl oliva is doing great

Update. Olivia and Thomas are doing amazing!! Thomas broke out of the NICU on sept 20th , hes been home.now for a little over a month hes weighing 10lbs 8oz hes home on oxygen but it's been great he definitely keeps mama busy

Miss Olivia is still in the NICU weighing 11lbs 5oz we are hoping to have her home but the end of the month . Shes just working on feeding. She gets wore out but slowly getting better.

As for me I still have my bad days esp when Olivia or Thomas reach milestone I cant help but think how Emmalyn would be doing or what/who would she look like and her personality. My heart is so shattered but so full at the same time . Here's an updated pic ❤