Line Progression

Amy • Married 5 years ❤️; Fur Momma 🐾; PCOS; One Miscarriage 💙; 🌈 Hadlee 🎀

Before you say anything- I KNOW I’m not supposed to test every day, I KNOW the hormone doubles usually every 48-72 hours.

My question is about other similar experiences.

This is my first time being pregnant and it was a struggle to get here with PCOS.

So I’m a bit paranoid.

Should I be worried it’s not getting darker? Or is it still too early? I got a blood test and confirmation from the doctor yesterday and she confirmed I’m literally only one week pregnant. My level was 21. I’m testing again Friday to see if it doubles. Anyone else find out when they were super early and have a similar line progression that resulted in a perfect tiny Human?? 🤣