Sudden healthy habits = ovulation??

Brittany • 𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚢 𝚊𝚝 𝚑𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚖𝚊𝚖𝚊 + 𝚠𝚒𝚏𝚎 ♡ 𝚗𝚓𝚜 𝟷𝟶/𝟸𝟶𝟷𝟽 + due w/ #2 01/2020

Okay! I have PCOS. It went from very mild to severe after giving birth to my daughter Oct 2017. My periods have struggled to regulate even on several birth controls. I tried going natural w/o birth control at one point as well. Well in March I had a a lot of problems. Had a massive large clotty period that caused me to bleed through a super tampon AND an overnight pad every 1-2hours. Saw my OB, had pockets of blood trapped in my uterus or something I don’t really remember what the nurse said and my ovaries are so cystic. Anyway, in the beginning of April I started eating healthier, counting calories, and working out. I also now only drink water 90% of the time with a cup of ice coffee from time to time. When I started working out like a week or so after my period in March I would lightly spot for a day or two which I heard can be normal with exercise. A day or so after a strenuous exercise the bleeding would stop. Well I think I overdid it the following week because I bled a little heavier for 5-6 days. My period was due April 26th. My husband and I have never been one to use protection. We don’t really care if we have a second child or not. We want more children, but not really actively trying so if it happens, it happens. My period is 13 days late. I chalked being late up to the new diet and stuff. I usually have to take metformin to ovulate. But I’m thinking I ovulated on my own and maybe later? I’m not sure the exact dates or anything but I took a test jokingly on Monday mid day urine. It was negative. I took one today with a 4 hour hold and I can’t exactly tell if I see something?? I took the photo about 5 mins after the test was taken but one second I feel like I see something and the next I’m not sure. My body has a hard time producing progesterone and my OB won’t do pregnancy tests w/o a positive HPT. 😭 if I am pregnant, I have to be put on progesterone because otherwise I will miscarry again. I’m sorry for the long post but I just wanted to throw some background info in there as to why maybe I’m getting this test two weeks after a missed period? Is that a possibility that working out and changing my diet can cause me to ovulate later or maybe that 5-6 day bleed was a new period??

Top is from Monday

Bottom is this morning.