Period or no period

Ann marie

So I have seeing a fertility dr for almost 6 months lots of different drugs from things to force ovulation, thicken lining, and try to produce more than one egg a cycle.

This cycle only one egg on right side, thick lining, and did <a href="">iui</a> ( injected Sperm in uterus).

Period was due Tuesday... no signs some cramping and negative test

Wednesday no signs

Today no signs and negative test

I hate this! Last cycle period was 5 days late and usually I’m clock works and period comes on time.

I’m also at my wits end and hubby hates fertility dr appoints and is stressing out. I already feel broken because I have low egg count for my age.

If I get my period they want to do a test to see if c section messed up my uterus... hubby will only let us do this test if it’s cheep( nothing about fertility dr is cheep). The test would be putting water in my uterus and doing a sonogram to see if there’s any issues for egg implanting.

I just want to give my little girl a sibling and have more kids...

Anyone in same boat and have success I’m in need of advice and hope at this moment.

FYI on a side note I found it’s cheaper to have kids then adoption 🧐 which is sad since there is so many babies and kids out there that need good homes.