May be a silly question, but I'm genuinely curious


Hi mama's! So when I had my first babe, I was so lazy, I did no physical activity - like at all. I was over weight and just quite literally did nothing. I ended up being induced at 42 weeks had a long labour and pushed for about 2 hours. That was almost 5 years ago. I ended up losing all my weight, became very fit etc. Now with my second babe on the way I've maintained being physically active, I work out pretty much everyday etc. I'm just curious for those who have had more than one babe, did being physically active seem to make a difference? Did you go into labour full term, early or late? Did you labour seem to be long short or average? Also how did pushing seem to go? As I said may be silly - I'm just curious! Thanks to all and any who take the time to respond 🥰