“you ruin everything”

**edit: i have talked to him and told him how I feel when he does stuff like that, he always says I started the argument and I shouldn’t have mad him mad and when I try to tell him how everything unfolded he says I’m delusional and twisted the story. So there’s basically no point. He never listens so I just learned to keep quiet and let him believe what he wants.

So, my boyfriend and I were having sex and he sat up in the missionary position so I could orgasm (it’s basically the only way I can) so he then pulls out and says “you ruin everything bro” because he got a little soft.

After he says that he pulls my hair and pushes my face down so I can suck him to get him hard again (not in a sexual way, it was out of anger)

For obvious reasons, I think, it turns me off. I don’t want to have sex anymore, and I don’t want to suck him to make him finish. This pisses him off. He starts yelling and calling me names “dumb bitch” “stupid whore” (his favorites) and tells me he will just go fuck someone else if I’m not going to make him cum. I told him to go right the fuck ahead because I’m sick of being called names and him yelling at me. We broke up because he has awful anger issues and it makes me feel like shit about myself.

We have been together for 3 years and 6 months. The beginning of our relationship he was very controlling. He made me cut off 2 of my best friends, delete certain apps, I’m not allowed to have any male friends unless there gay, I wasn’t allowed to wear shorts unless they were approved by him, wasn’t allowed to leave my house at times because he thought I was lying about where I was going even though I was with my family, etc. He’s gotten better about being controlling but he definitely still has tendencies. I’m supposed to leave with my mom to go out of state for vacation but he told me no because he thinks I’ll cheat, even though ive never given him a reason to think I would.

I love him so much but it just gets old.