My boyfriend

Okay so basically I’m kinda second guessing being in a relationship with this guy that I really like. Yesterday he calls me on the phone and he tells me about this girl that he had a 20 minute conversation with (his coworker) but my friend that was sitting next to me goes “why are you telling her that you’re talking to other girls?” and he said “i forgot i’m not allowed to talk about other women around her” and i hung up the phone cause it hurt my feelings and my phone was on mute but my boyfriend called like 3 times and I didn’t realize it and i called him back on the phone when i realized he had kept calling and he told me he got really angry because I wouldn’t pick up the phone and he had thrown his phone and cracked his windshield because of it :( as soon as i heard that I kinda just thought in my head “i’m not meant to be with you”. Before that even happened he had began leaving me on read and not talking to me for hours upon hours despite my knowledge that he genuinely wasn’t doing anything that would consider him “busy” and unable to write back for that long (like he would be on instagram for so long only to not talk to me). Also he seems to have put so much space between us but then he always says he misses me while on the phone. I’m just frustrated at this point and I don’t know what to do :(