Feeding issues

So my LO is exclusively breastfed and she’s 4 weeks and gaining weight well.

The issue is that she has reflux which affects her sleep and refuses to sleep anywhere but in our arms (during the day). So the moment I put her down anywhere, she wakes up — and pretty soon, she wants to be fed.

We were told that she should be feeding every 3 hours by now, but she rarely goes that long without a feed. At night maybe, but during the day she eats every 1 1/2 - 2 hrs. And if I lay her down somewhere before that, she’ll want to feed then, even if she’s last eaten half an hour before.

What should I do? Is she overeating? Is anyone else facing/faced this?

My days literally involve holding her and being stuck to the couch while she sleeps, or then feeding her.