

My big fat chubby lovee butt she is Soo got darn cute SHE WAS DRINKING fluids while I was getting my Sono done. I cried from how cute she isss 😍😍😍 Everything I guessed was Soo right..I guessed her weight myself and the tech confirmed then ... excuse me but someone is giving birth scaring my soul in the next room as I type my excitement lol ...

I came in feeling dizzy and Ill I was scared if I did go into labor I'd die bc I don't feel good at all but I got to see her for the first time bc she's Soo low noone can get a pic I tell them all the time she on my pubic bone shes due June 30 and already almost 4lbs I'm scared @32w4days ...

She had a baby boy lol still in the hospital 😅

Her Sister was only 5lb at 37w Soo I'm scared she's big already 💗😍 I'd say by 36w she might pop out bc they say she's low my cervix is 1-2 very short and she's in the birthing position so just gonna stick it out till my water breaks or I see a head 🤣👶 her heart is getting better too

Fluid around heart..still seen but not Soo much as my first Sono