Obnoxious bleeding with nexplanon???


So I got my implant almost 2 weeks ago and I was due to have my period 3 days after the day of insertion. Well it didn’t come that day, or the next day. I got it 2 days late.

My period started off as totally normal, maybe a little lighter than normal... and it hasn’t stopped since.

Before I got the implant I was on the pill and my periods were about 5 days long on that. Before I was on the pill my periods were super short (2-3 days). And now I’m on day 7 of my period.

It’s just super light spotting, like if it weren’t for hygiene purposes, I wouldn’t have to change my pad all day. I can’t even wear tampons because it’s so light. My question is, does everyone else experience this?

My sister got the nexplanon implant probably about 2 years ago and she bled for 6 months... granted, she wasn’t in a relationship like I am. So she wasn’t having sex. I am. I got the implant because my doctor told me it was one of the most effective birth control methods. I wasn’t trying to change my period, I just don’t want to get pregnant at 18. But it kind of defeats the purpose if I have a constant period and my boyfriend isn’t cool with that.

Is there anything I can do to at least give myself a regular period?? I know it’s still early, I just am really not down with the obnoxious bleeding.