I dont like my nephew...

He is 4 just turned four... He is so misbehaved. He cries Everytime someone tells him to stop doing something if he doesn't get his way or if someone doesn't want to pay attention to him... He will cry every 5 mins about stupid shit. And will cry for 5 mins straight... On top of this... He's a bully. This little ass had my phone. I didn't want him having my phone for a number of reasons. So I told him to bring it to me. Nope instead he fucking throws it busting me right in the face I had a black eye from what he did and my screen cracked. I even had on glasses and he busted those.

(Side note) I had a Dr appointment that day and now I keep getting calls from domestic abuse support groups.

He stomped on my son's foot making his cry and then pretends he is the one who got hurt... He is spoiled rotten and doesn't listen worth shit... I was at the park with him and my son the other day and he kept trying to run out into traffic. After 30 mins of stopping him from trying to kill himself. I go to mc Donald's play place with him and my son. What does my dear sweet nephew want to do? He went up to a random persons table and started eating their food and drinking their drink and the person was really pissed off. So I paid them back for the food and told my sister until she can teach her son discipline not to bother asking me to watch him. Infact I went as far as to tell her she is doing a great job at raising a kid no one likes. He's rude disrespectful and does not listen at all. I'm sick of suffering from your bad parenting choices. I haven't spoken to her since that was about 3 weeks ago...

Update. My nephew has been seen by a number of professionals he is normal just a slight delay because he refuses to listen or really cooperate. He is ignored a lot at his house and I have acknowledged that it's not him but his mother and lack of structured discipline he just gets his way all the time and gets away with every wrong doing.