Just fuck

I take at least one day a week to just soak in a steaming hot bath, light a candle, throw some music on, and read a book. Well I did that today, and I hear our son downstairs. I text hubby to see what’s up and he says everything is fine, son stopped already so I proceeded. Son starts up again so repeated process of earlier exactly. Come the third time I decided screw it and got out to go see. Husband is on the game while son is crawling around, grab him up kinda cranky because like come on I take one day for myself. Well I take son upstairs; he has a full poop diaper and I realize it’s 30 minutes past his nap. So my husband pretty much just turned a total ass in my eyes right now. But it’s just I start work at the end of this month and sometimes he’ll have our son alone, so it’s like if he can’t even manage an hour or so with me in the house then how can he handle multiple hours with me out the house