Could I Be Pregnant? Help Please!

Tropical 🍍 • 🤞🏾|Medical Assistant 👩🏻‍⚕️ | Currently pregnant w/ my first after trying since 2018🫶🏽👾

Hey! How is everyone? First I would like to say I wish all of you ladies baby dust on your attic Journey! I’ve been TTC (trying to conceive) for quite some time now, so my period is 3 days late I tested Monday (a couple days before AF is due) and the day AF was due, both were BFN!!! But I am barely getting any cramps(very slight towards a lower tummy lower back area) AF usually comes on like clockwork, I’ve been very sleepy lately,urinating maybe 3x a hour and a lot during the middle of the night, and the small cramps I’m getting are so faint I’m Suprised I’m feeling them and they’re not frequent at all, also I wiped thinking it was AF (Aunt Flo - menstruation/period) but it was just a lot of clear watery discharge. I am also a type 2 diabetic! Could I be pregnant? Has anyone ever had a BFN (big fat negative (pregnancy test)) even if they were pregnant? I’ve heard diabetes can make a person HCG rise very slowly or even make a person ovulate later that normal. Is there a chance I could be pregnant? I was supposed to ovulate on the 24th! I had sex on the 15th,22nd,24th,and 28th plus more!