6 month shot reaction...


Clementine is having a horrible reaction to her 6 month shots. She had a slight reaction to her last two rounds but this is by far the worst. She was great for exactly 12 hours after the injections but then a fever hit her out of nowhere. When we first noticed her temp was 101, and overnight we tried keeping her cool and comfortable but it did go up to 102.9 so I called the nurse hotline and they said this is normal and can sometimes last for up to 3 days. She's had a couple doses of Tylenol to keep her comfortable but she's having a hard time eating and just wants to sleep but can't because of the fussiness. I feel so helpless and my husband is even worse which is making me more upset. I had heard somewhere that each round of shots gets worse but I thought we were in the clear after having a really good day. I just want my poor baby to feel better. Anyone else had theirs yet going through the same?