

Is your child diagnosed with autism ? If yes what was the sign? My son is 2 years and 9 months old , he has an appointment with a paediatrician next month. He has a few signs. I’m so worried about him. All I can do in this days is pray and cry. He is my third child , my first two kids are completely fine . Everything was fine with him until his 18 months old. By the time he changed slowly, he is not pointing, only babbling and saying only about 5 words, he would come to me or look at me if I call his name , doesn’t play with other children but play along side of them , he is so patient and never get mad , sometimes he is lounging with out any reason, he looks at his finger more often , he understands most of the things we saying to him . I’m so disappointed in these days and thinking about him all days and night. Please share your experiences .