Pregnant after first period postpartum


Hi everyone! I breastfed my baby till he was about 9 months so just got my first period on March 20. We started trying for #2 in April and I never got another period which I attributed to my cycle being off and inconsistent since I just barely got it back. Last week I took a pregnancy test cuz why not? And voila, pregnant!

Doing the math I thought I was 7.5 weeks along and due Dec 25 #santababy but went to the doctor this week and they said they only see the gestational sac and can’t see the baby but think they see the yolk sac, so I’m likely only 5 weeks along and my dates must be off. I have to wait 2 weeks to come back and hopefully hear a heartbeat then. Curious if anybody else experienced a miscalculation or a change in due date due to their cycles being off because of just getting your period back? Part of me is worried the baby isn’t growing and I’m going to go crazy over the next two weeks waiting.

Thanks mamas 💛