How to deal with night terrors?


So may 3 and half year old recently started to sleep in his own bed for the first time. It was all going fine until a month it, he started to scream in his sleep. It’s a I’m dying and am in pain scream, it’s not a normal scream. It’s honestly blood curdling. He will thrash around in his sleep and he wakes up, he is inconsolable, It’s terrifying for everyone, first time he did it, I thought someone was trying to kidnap him or something. He will wake up, we calm him down, we sing a song and we cuddle up and he falls asleep again. He wakes up the next morning with no knowledge of what’s happened in the night. Just wondering if any other parents have had any tips with how to deal with night terrors. I go to bed and I’m just waiting for the scream. No one is getting any sleep.