well fuck me right?


you guys i swear my husband is on the last of my nerves 😒

soooo it takes forever for him to go to the grocery store and get groceries like he said he would at 4pm. so he says “i want to relax for a little bit i’ll start dinner in a second” he’s making beef stew. i ask if i can get the crockpot out for him and he’s like yeah thanks that’d be great.

5pm....6pm... “hey do you want me to put the meat in the fridge until you start this so it doesn’t go bad or.....” “no i’m going to start in like 30 mins”

7pm....8pm... somewhere in between all that i put the meat in the fridge cause i’m like 😐 okay it’s not like i have to wait 6 more hours for this shit to be done or anything.. like we could be eating by now...

he goes to the neighbors and they go and drink or whatever no big deal idc. text him at 1am saying, hey please don’t let this food sit on HIGH all night, and make sure you put it away so it doesn’t go bad sitting out at room temp all night.

we live on a military base and so our neighbors are super close and drinking on each other’s porches at night on the weekend is pretty typical. hours go by, i fall asleep... wake up this morning...

where the fuck is the food?

he gets up “i gave so and so a taste of it last night and they were like holy shit this is so good” mind you he’s making himself a bowl, which i didn’t know was the last of it..

so i look in the crockpot... empty.. look in the fridge... “where’s the food?”

“oh i can make more”

are you fucking kidding me?

“i would’ve really liked it if you would’ve asked me if i wanted any before you fed the whole fucking neighborhood, it’s not like i’m 2 people here and had to smell it cooking all night because that was our dinner and dinner started late”

thanks for thinking of me babe. really appreciate it

idek where to post this... where’s the “this is complete bullshit” group? 😒 i’m annoyed and hungry to say the least