Anyone planning on going thru labor without SO support?

Yaz • 28y | Baby boy born 12 June ‘19! 🧔🏻👩🏻🐱👼🏻👶🏻

With the last few weeks of pregnancy upon us, I keep finding myself dwelling more and more on this topic. My husband is a pretty nice guy, but he does NOT handle stress well. If it’s work-related he can take quite a bit, but bring in feelings and emotions and bodily fluids... he totally loses his head. And I mean like TOTALLY. He could have multiple personalities at that point and I wouldn’t be surprised. He might yell, snap or go totally silent; deaf dumb and blind.

I’ve jokingly told him that I don’t want him in the labour room with me because he might faint and have everybody fuss over him instead of me. I’ve also seriously asked him if he thinks he can handle it. He always deflects with an easygoing answer like “Of course I can handle it no big deal... what kinda question is that!”

So at this point I have zero faith in him and his abilities to be my rock when I’m half out of it with pain. I should also say that I’m generally very level headed and capable of taking matters into my own hands no matter what the situation. So I’m thinking... as much as I’d have loved to have him by my side to see our son being born, I’d rather not deal with any drama he could cause if he faints/throws up/ loses his head.

I don’t think my mom can handle it either and I have a cousin who’s volunteered to fill in if I want her to. I don’t mind her but I’m thinking I’d rather go it alone. What do you guys think? Any words of encouragement/advice? I’m so upset and worried... but something has got to be done and I have to face it 😣