How do you know you’ve found a good one?

Ashley • 👼🏽👼🏽👼🏽👼🏽my four angels in heaven. Miracle baby girl due January 2023 🎀💕

So I’ve been dating this guy since August of last year and things were going great when we first started dating. He was sweet and kind and we got along pretty well. Lately though for the past few months it’s just seems like everything I do he either makes fun of me for the way I am or he rolls his eyes at me for what I say and do. He reminds me A LOT of my father which isn’t a good thing. Their personalities are identical. When I first met him he would get angry at my dogs when they barked and jumped up on him and he even made one of them cry by how hard he grabbed her to get her to stop. It made me really scared and mad since my father also has a terrible temper. I’m so afraid that if I marry him It’ll be like repeating history and I’ll end up living the same life as my mom did being married to my dad. I feel stuck though because my bf just moved in with me 2 months ago. I don’t feel happy and I think I have some sort of built up resentment towards him already because of how much he is like my dad. He says he wants to propose soon, but all I can think about when he says that is how much I don’t want to say yes! I just don’t know how to approach a situation like this and don’t really have anyone to talk to about it! Has anyone else ever been in this situation of feeling stuck??