In-Home Daycare Help/Advice!


Hey mamas, hoping someone with caregiver experience may be able to chime in. Found out last minute that our daycare raised their weekly rates so have been scrambling to find replacement care for our almost 3mo old! 😩

We found a licensed in-home home provider who has all her certifications (she showed them to us) and she seemed great! She also used to supervise a daycare. However, she later mentioned during the interview that she was five months pregnant. I'm concerned bc she also has a 6 and 8yo of her own, would be watching my infant, and already watched three toddlers 3 and under.

We all know how rough the fourth trimester can be. I'm wondering how she's going to manage it all? Especially with the sleep deprivation 😳 Am I being paranoid or does that seem like a lot to handle for one person??

My other option is a SAHM who used to work at a daycare. She said she's willing to go get re- certified in CPR and such, follows Montessori lifestyle, and had a nice family. She has a 4yo and 2yo and would only take on my infant. However she'll be a few hundred dollars more a month and isn't licensed. She's a car seat safety tech though, for what it counts.

Which one would you choose based in this info??